Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Members were given a treat at the monthly meeting on September 24th. Bob Coffeen gave a one hour presentation on Search and Rescue procedures. He also shared some of his experiences in the military focusing on how it blends into his current preparedness to help in an emergency. There were many questions from our CERT Team, and from guests from the Lely Resort who are interested in establishing their own Cert Team.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The next CERT meeting will be held on September 24, at 7:00 P.M. in the Town Center. An urban search and rescue training session has been specifically designed for VeronaWalk. This is training our team has previously not undergone. Our team continually trains, and works hard to ensure a safer community in time of need. All team members are urged to attend this new training session. Any resident wishing to learn about our program is welcome to join us.

The first 72 are up to you, join C.E.R.T. and help make a difference